Kill A Mockingbird Slang
List -Amaterasu technique that requires the absolute power of sharingan (mangekyou sharingan) and is launching a circle of black flames are capable of causing lethal damage burn it all if a rival rrealiza. This technique requires a very large amount of chakra.
-Asshou (Pressure Palm) Technique Type: Taijutsu A Taijutsu technique where the ninja sticks his fist into his opponent, crushing the earth. With impressive strength, this technique can be devastating.
- Baika no Jutsu Ninjutsu This is used commonly used by members of the Akimichi clan because it uses its size to gain an advantage in combat. Although it does not hurt itself, this Jutsu is part of a combo, which is followed by technical Meat Tank. - Bakuretsu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu A technique Ninjutsu where the ninja creates a suicidal Kage Bunshin (shadow clone). After making it, the ninja can cause the clone explodes in combat, getting knock out the opponent - Bakuretsufuu A Fuuinjutsu (sealing technique) where a label is written on a sheet of paper, creating an effect on the role that causes an explosion. These seals can be made in the field, but is most commonly purchased or given to ninjas as equipment such as a kunai and shuriken. - Biransei no Jutsu Ninjutsu This technique creates a cloud of poisonous gas that comes from the mouth of ninja in a stream. The tag creates a distance between the ninja and their enemy, not be captured by the enemy. - Bunshin no Jutsu
This technique should be mastered by any ninja who has overcome Konoha Academy. This is the most basic one Gennin should know, since it can serve as a true lifesaver. The clone that is created is not real - Byakugan A technique succession line belonging to the Hyuuga clan of Konoha. The Byakugan allows the bearer to a variety of things with your eyes. It gives them a more perfect vision hundred meters can also see through obstacles in all directions with an angle of 360 º. - Ejintou A Ninjutsu Chakra is used primarily for surgery in the field. The ninja concentrates chakra energy aura around his hand, creating a blade capable of shedding tears through muscles and arteries, or breaking a bone, without breaking the skin of the person. - Chidori A Ninjutsu where ninja grabs his wrist, and then concentrated enough chakra in his hand is visible to human eyes. With enough chakra concentrate on one point, that point becomes powerful enough to penetrate any object. - Chiyute
no Jutsu A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja chakra Focuses on the palms of their hands, creating a small sphere of chakra healing. This chakra, being concentrated, can heal physical damage to another person. - Choukaihou A Ninjutsu that only has the Akimichi clan. After taking the red pill and increase the power of ninja 100 Sometimes the ninja turns all your calories in pure chakra, which becomes visible around them in the form of the wings of a butterfly. - Chuusuusei Biribiri A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja turns their chakra into an electrical impulse is transmitted into the body of an enemy hitting the base of your neck. Up electrical impulses from your brain down and disrupts the flow of electricity in the nervous system. - Daisan not I A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja creates a sand eye through which you can see without fear of being discovered. Perfect for spying or collecting information, or point to an opponent while protecting behind a wall. - Doton: Doroku Gaeshi
A Ninjutsu ninja ground where his hands sinking into the ground and creates a solid wall of earth and rock. The ground shield is held together by the chakra of the ninja.
- Doton: Doryo Dango A ground Ninjutsu Taijutsu requires impressive. The ninja hands sinking into the ground and then lifting a large ball of earth and throw the opponent. To perform this technique to kill the chakra is linked to the mainland. - Doton: Doryuuheki A Ninjutsu of land where the ninja "vomits" a wave of mud, which shoots out of his mouth and form a wall before opponent's solid, strong enough to stop a river of water. - Doton: Kekkai Doroutoumu A Ninjutsu of land where the ninja put their hands on the ground and create a dome of pure soil and rock around your enemy. The dome has a layer of chakra inside of it that is held together with the ninja and makes the ninja can absorb the opponent's chakra. - Doton: Shinjuu This Zanshu no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique used, only used to surprise the enemy. After a series of hand seals and build up your chakra, the ninja is buried underground using his chakra. He then can move freely within the earth, then grab the opponent by the legs and sink into the ground unable to move.
- Doton: Tsuiga no Jutsu A Ninjutsu ground designed to track intending to find, amaze, and to cripple the enemy. - Douteki Saitentei A Ninjutsu can only be effective for the Inuzuka clan. The ninja dog will circle through the air, urinating on the rival for the ninja and his dog can then track the scent with their superior olfactory senses. - Futagogakure no Jutsu A Ninjutsu technique highly unusual, possibly unique, where the twins share a body. Unlike conjoined twins, these twins can be separated or may appear to be simply a being every time they want, because of its ability to control their bodies at the molecular level. - Fuuinka Koui A Fuuinjutsu (sealing technique) that allows the ninja to seal fire in a scroll. The stamps are written by marks on the parchment paper with a circular stamp of arrows in the middle, for which the fire is drawn and aimed, finally sealed. - Fuuja Houin
A Fuuinjutsu (sealing technique) designed to control the curse seal. Two circles are sliced \u200b\u200binto the ground with kunai cursed the victim sitting in the middle. - Fuuton: Renkuudan A wind Ninjutsu únicametne for Shukaku. He concentrates chakra in his stomach, then hit your stomach, leading the chakra through his stomach and out of his mouth shooting with a great pressure. - Gaia Similar to Tenfuuin Fuuin (Seal of Heaven), this Fuuinjutsu, placed on the chest, gives the greatest ninja poder.La full extent of his powers has not yet been seen, but can include physical self-manipulation. - Range Kai Tsurugi no A Taijutsu technique involving fencing in a big way, this technique belongs to Gamabunta, the king of the toads. He draws his sword and takes a giant leap fired into espadazo dealing a deadly rival. - Range Yuendan A Ninjutsu that only those who signed a contract with the toads can use. The ninja should be able to call Gamabunta, or possibly another large toad. The ninja's head mounted on the frog uses a technique Katon no jutsu (fire type) to create a giant fireball. - Shibari Gamaguchi A Ninjutsu, which is a variation of Kuchiyose no Jutsu. The ninja must have a contract with the toads for this technique, invoking the frog is a frog iwagama less than Gamabunta but not powerless. - Garouga A Taijutsu technique following the Soutourou (Two-Headed Wolf). As a two-headed wolf beast, the ninja and his dog made in an adversary Gatsuuga but with much more power due to the size of this technique is unlikely to fail the coup. - Gatsuuga
A Taijutsu technique following the Juujin Bunshin (Clone Human Beast), where the ninja and his dog (assuming the form of his master) spin violently towards his opponent on both sides, scratching and clawing them, by normal defenses useless. - Genjutsu The art of illusion. The genjutsu is designed to create mass illusions or hypnotize opponents. Apparently useful, is not widely used in the series because they are not useful as Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, and costs a lot to master. - Genjutsu Kai Una técnica Ninjutsu donde el ninja enfoqua su chakra y grita "kai" o "liberación". Lo pueden realizar en ellos mismos o en otros. Eficazmente previene la mayoría de Genjutsu, a menos que sea sumamente poderoso o cuando sea usado en conjunción con una ascendencia adelantada. - Goguoufuuin Éste es un Jutsu muy poderoso y de sellado prohibido. Es el sellado de las 5 estaciones y provoca un descontrol en el chackra del adversario lo que le impide moldear el chakra - Goguoukaiin Un Fuuinjutsu (tecnica de sellado) diseñó para abrir al Goguoufuuin (sello de las 5 estaciones), y regresar la víctima sellada a su estado normal de control de la chakra. - Goken (puño de iron) This is a taijutsu style in which one tries to break bones-based rival is the taijutsu blows most commonly used and is totally contrary to jyuken (soft fist) - Hakkeshou: A Ninjutsu Kaiten where the ninja chakra expelled from each of the pores of your skin, thus forming a shield of chakra that defends any ataque.Hacen twisting your body like a top for so continuously expel rival attacks. - Hakkeshou: Rokujuu Yonshou
A Taijutsu requiring the use of the Byakugan and the dominance of Jyuken (Gentle Fist). With the ability to see the channels and the opponent's chakra points, the ninja performs a series of quick movements to achieve sixty-four chakra points of the 361 that exist in the body. - Harem no jutsu The combination of two techniques Ninjutsu: Sexy no Jutsu (Erotic Technique) and Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique). Together, they create an army of beautiful naked women can bring to its knees the strongest of the ninja perverts. - Harichakra A Ninjutsu requires that the ninja can use the Jyuken. The ninja creates small needles from the skin on his fingers that can cut things made of chakra - Haridoku A Taijutsu involving several compartimenteos hidden along the ninja's arm, loaded with poisonous needles attached to strings. The strings are tied to shippers in the back of compartimenteos hosting the needles, which the ninja draws back in attack. - Harisuzu A Taijutsu where the assailant launches needles with some bells to induce the enemy to react to deceptively sound instead of movement. Thus, one or many needles with bells can be pulled, quickly followed by normal needles that would catch the enemy unprepared. - Henge no Jutsu Henge no Jutsu is the basic skill a ninja must know to become a Gennin. It is a very useful and widely used in the series, and has many uses. It is mostly used as a lure for confuse the opponent by transforming into someone who is allied with the enemy. - Houin Fuukoku A Fuuinjutsu (sealing technique) is the final step in Shikokumujin (Four Seals of the Dark Mist). One of the ninja creates stamps in five sheets of paper using his blood, and then throws the barrel necessary for technical barrier. - Houshou
a Taijutsu ninja where palm strike to the enemy, throwing them out. With impressive strength, this technique can really be devastating. - Hyuuga Bunke Juinjutsu Juinjutsu (technique curse seal) this stamp it is those belonging to the branch of the bunker (secondary family) for hyuuga clan can be controlled by the souk (main family) and to protect the secrets of the byakugan. With this seal, a member of the souk can kill a member of the bunker destroying brain cells label owner. - Ichi no Hoshi A Taijutsu you need a giant fan and a strong arm. The range has three purple spots on one side, but this technique involves only the first point, the deployment only a third of the full range. It then moving it creates a small gust of wind, quickly able to flex a shuriken. - Isshi Resshin A Taijutsu that only the strongest ninjas can accomplish. With just one finger, the ninja can tap land and may create a huge crack in the ground between them. Of course, with this force, a finger could cause a huge damage on the enemy directly. - Ninjutsu Jinnikuken This may be related to the Gaia Fuuin. The only ninja that has been used is Kimimaro, the only ninja known to have Fuiin on Gaia. He creates a sword in their bones thus become a weapon himself. - JOUR Senbon A Ninjutsu where the ninja throws one or many umbrellas that release bursts of needles from the air. They use their chakra to control the threads of the umbrella, drop needles, and controlling the needles to reach their targets. - Juujin Bunshin A Ninjutsu you need a dog as a tool of the ninja, and usually a soldier pill for each of them to temporarily increase their chakra. The dog jumps on the back of ninja and assumes the shape of a human, typically the same way as his master. - Jyuken This style is the opposite of goken (Iron Fist). The attacks are softer, more open palm, and carry system damage body organs and that damage duct chakra circulating through the body.
- Kage Bunshin no jutsu ninjutsu
is a jounin level that the function it has is to create a certain amount of chakra depending on the actual clones of the ninja so can used to confuse the enemy or to a spike. This is Naruto's favorite technique. - Kage no Jutsu Kubishibari A Ninjutsu, which is a variation of Kagemane no Jutsu (Technique of Shadow Copy). The ninja used Kagemane no Jutsu to trap the enemy and force them to perform the same movements. At this point, the ninja can move his own shadow to stifle the opponent without the enemy can defend himself in any way - Kage Shuriken no Jutsu This is a really useful technique for tricking opponents ninjas that fight. Shadow Shuriken, this technique ensures that a released Shirika out more replicas of the real shuriken but being greatly increases the chances of hitting the beat, this technique also can be performed with a Fuuma shuriken - no Jutsu Kagemane In recent days known as the Kageshibari no Jutsu (Shadow Freezing Technique), this is a Ninjutsu technique that allows user to extend his shadow and unite with others to control their movements so completely helpless and Dearle any other attack. - Kamaitachi A powerful Ninjutsu following the revelation of San no Hoshi (the Third Star.) The ninja moves her giant fan, creating a monstrous blast of wind is then controlled by the chakra to guide you in your opponent and increase your speed. - Kanashibari no Jutsu A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja makes eyes off his opponent, leaving him completely frozen in the soil. Perfect to escape a horrendous situation, or to a target strand in a murder. - Karuto Tayori not A unique and incomparable Ninjutsu where the ninja has some blank cards, but when the ninja puts his chakra in them reveals all the information desired ninja any country. - Kasui nikud Sensha A Baika incorporating Taijutsu no Jutsu (technique multitamaño) and a rope with a kunai that wrap around the body of the ninja. When he has finished no jutsu the ninja Baika puts his arms, legs, and head inside the body to become a big ball of spikes and so pounced on the enemy. - Katateoichi Baika no Jutsu A Ninjutsu is a variation of Baika no Jutsu (Technique Multitamaño). With this technique, the ninja only increases the size of his body, something like that as your arm of leg, and then attacks his opponent only to that part, crushing him. - Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu Ninjutsu This is a very powerful, and most Genins are not able to do it because of the large amount of chakra it uses. The user must first collect a large amount of chakra in his hand and his mouth to spit after a major flare
- Katon: Housenka no Jutsu
Another technique that originally belongs to the Uchiha clan, Katon Housenka is a very powerful and fast. Instead of following the way of the other techniques of fire, is the only Housenka creating many small fireballs that sometimes put the ninja shurikens within these balls to increase the effectiveness of the attack. - Katon: Karyuu Endan A katon Ninjutsu (the type of flame) where the ninja inhales deeply, inhaling and filling the chest with air. Then exhale, producing a very wide stream of flames that approach their target as a huge wall of fire. - Katon: Ryuuk no Jutsu Ninjutsu Another fire, which is also very common in members of the elite Uchiha clan. It is believed that this is the second strongest ninjutsu of Feuga, just below its "cousin", Flame of the Fire Dragon. - Bunshin no Jutsu Katsuyu A unique Ninjutsu Katsuyu, king of slugs. The grooves can be divided Katsuyu make hundreds of copies but smaller Katsuyu what works to prevent a major attack or to confuse the opponent. - no Jutsu Kawarimi The ability of the substitute of the Body is a skill widely used and very famous among shinobi. This ability only applies to prevent any attack changed for some object in the vicinity. It is usually a log or a sandbag. This is a technique that any gennin must master. - Kazaguruma not Sharingan: Sanjuuken A Taijutsu technique using the Sharingan to see the opponent's jutsu. This attack requires three swords, at least, to be launched towards the enemy of both of the hands of ninja and ninja's mouth. - Kekkai Konchuu Bunshin no Jutsu A Ninjutsu technique requiring the use of destructive insects that are parasites of the Aburame Clan, this technique only belongs to them. Ordering insects, they create the shape of the body of his master to create a clone so real you can attack and also confuse the opponent. - Kenkaze A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja sword create a cyclone around his opponent with his chakra. The cuts easily, and you can not stop a sword of wind. - Kirigakure no Jutsu A Ninjutsu technique that covers the area completely surrounding the ninja hiding in fog. Perfect for silent assassination, since there is virtually no visible enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bthis jutsu. - no Jutsu Kishibari A Genjutsu technique where the ninja seems to disappear before the eyes of his opponent, then induces the idea that have been trapped and bound by a large tree, which the ninja emerges for a quick killing.
- Kokuangyo no Jutsu Genjutsu blinding A the enemy. Total darkness engulfs them, and can not see anything except your body. The ninja that performs this technique can attack freely without worrying about an enemy counterattack, unless the enemy has a great ability to avoid this technique. - Kongou Nyoi A Ninjutsu, which is a variation of the Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique), where the ninja (usually the invocation of Enma the monkey god) is transformed into a cane as hard as diamond which can increase or decrease the size and needs ninja. This is one of the best weapons of a ninja can have.
- Konoha Gouriki Senpuu A Taijutsu where the user is spinning with all his strength and kicks the opponent's heel for so throw into the air spinning it leaves it defenseless to the next attack. - Konoha Reppuu
This is a Rock Lee Taijutsu that dominates. This technique is very simple, but effective, which may serve to someone who comes with a direct attack. As with other Taijutsu, this technique does not require hand seals or chakra.
- Konoha Senpuu This movement is probably the hallmark of Rock Lee, but it has taught Gai. It is a combination of speed, strength, and the element of surprise, as well as the perfect move to link to other air attacks.
- Furui Konohagakure Taijutsu Suukoujutsu: Senne Goroshi
A maneuver used by Kakashi and consists of putting the index and middle fingers of the hands in the ass of the enemy causing great pain and ridiculing the receiver This technique. This technique uses Naruto vs Gaara using an explosive kunai which caused him great harm. - no Jutsu Kuchiyose
Having signed a blood contract, any ninja with this technique Ninjutsu can conjure up a beast, or beasts, which are in another location for use in combat. Must use their blood as a "sacrifice" to call, after performing the hand seals corresponding with their animal.
- Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Edo Tensei
A forbidden Ninjutsu (Kinjutsu), which is a variation of Kuchiyose no Jutsu. Unlike Kuchiyose requires no contract this technique, because instead of calling a life on the world, this technique called dead.
- Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Mouhogosha
A variation of Kuchiyose no Jutsu, this technique called three monsters bandaged his eyes ears and mouth and managed to sound. They react according to the music they hear. And make hits devastating, are also able to conquer the opponent's chakra.
- Kuchiyose no Jutsu: A Ninjutsu Rashoumon, which is a variation of Kuchiyose no Jutsu. Instead of calling a being of flesh and bone, Rashoumon call, a huge wall, impenetrable face of a demon who used to defend any kind of attack. This is the absolute defense of orochimaru.
- Kugutsu no Jutsu A Ninjutsu technique where the master of a puppet controlled karasu, or any other puppet, with strings of chakra from the tips of the fingers. The puppet can be manipulated to look like someone else or confused the opponent, allowing tired and misleading his adversary. - Kumo Kousatsu Kidoumaru A unique Taijutsu, as he is, apparently, the only ninja who can create a string of chakra from his mouth. He created six strings, which he hung from trees or beams available, then hang them, give stronger maneuverability and speed in aerial combat.
- Kumo Soukai
A ninjutsu that allows the ninja to make a sticky string simulating a spider web with mixed chakra to be much more resistant, then out of his mouth. The ninja rope models this in a big spider web and then used to trap the enemy.
- Kumonenkin A ninjutsu that allows the ninja rope to make a sticky with the chakra mixed, then out of his mouth. The ninja models this band stranded in many strong arms, golden, barbed, which can then pull on your opponent as kunai.
- Kumoshibari
A ninjutsu that allows the ninja to make a sticky string mixed with chakra, which then comes out of his mouth. Then molds the chakra into a large spider, which throw his adversary, or many opponents to catch them. - Kumosu Roken no Jutsu A Ninjutsu technique that allows the ninja to make a sticky string mixed with chakra, which then comes out of his mouth. The cord can be hidden without the kindred visiblea a small normal spider. It is used to detect enemies.
- Kumosu Roken no Kansei
A Ninjutsu that allows the ninja to make sticky intertwined strings of chakra, which then comes out of his mouth. The ninja rope models this sticky thread in many thin, almost invisible can be designed as traps. - Kumoyoroikin A Ninjutsu that is similar to the ninja Kumonenkin that secretes a substance your body hardened gold. Chakra mixes with the sweat produced from all your sweat glands, the ninja can create a hard armor of gold.
- Kumoyumiyakin
A Ninjutsu that is similar to the ninja Kumonenkin that secretes a substance your body hardened gold. Where the ninja creates a golden bow with the substances under coming out of his mouth and then also create arrows of gold that can be attached to a thread with chakra to direct the arrows.
- Kusanagi no Tsurugi
A Ninjutsu is a variation of no Jutsu Kuchiyose where ninja called a snake inside your body that comes out of his mouth. The snake then produces the grip of Kusanagi no Tsurugi, the legendary sword that orochimaru has.
- Kyoumeisen
A ninja Ninjutsu where PRODIC sounds over one hundred and fifty decibels to mislead an adversary attacking the inner ear, causing a violent dizziness and sometimes nausea. In some cases, can result in serious damage to the eardrum which causes the ninja to become unbalanced and is helpless. - Kyuushuu not A Ninjutsu Chakra where the ninja must get your enemy to absorb the chakra the opponent. This technique, unlike others like the chakra that takes away the opponent is absorbed by the ninja who is producing the art. - Makyou Hyoushou This is the most powerful jutsu Haku, he is the only ninja who can perform. Since this is a skill that needs to use the technique of line of succession of Haku. This technique is to create a mirror made of a heavy-duty ice where Haku enters one of them and is reflected thereby producing an effect that Haku can attack from all sides.
- Mega Baika
no Jutsu A Ninjutsu technique that is a variation of Baika no Jutsu (Technique Multitamaño). With this technique, the ninja increases the temperature of your calories to amplify his chakra enough to increase body size and mass to more than 10 times its size.
- Metampsychosis The most precious jutsu Orochimaru for which he was banished from Konoha. This allows Orochimaru Ninjutsu anchor your soul to this world forever inhabiting the body of another human. Making eye contact with the host again, he projects his soul into his body. - Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu Ninjutsu This technique intended water as its base to create the clones. Each clone is one tenth the power of the ninja using it and has a range limited that you can turn away from its creator. This clone can attack the Kage Bunshin iwal.
- Mokudon: Kouda Jyukai
A Mokudon Ninjutsu (the type of wood) where the ninja uses their chakra to create a sapling of a great tree, and then continue to use your chakra to feed the root of the sapling. For when the tree grows so catch your enemy leaving him completely trapped and helpless to attack.
- Mugensajin Daitopa
A Ninjutsu where the ninja inhales deeply and then exhale a stream cruel wind and sand can stop a small army of ninjas. Be very powerful if you use it is large.
- Naruto Rendan
Combination shock that makes naruto making 5 copies which helps send the opponent up and then deal a powerful blow against the ground causing severe damage. Nyssa
-Naruto Rendan
is the same technique that the only thing naruto naruto Rendan used instead of 5 copies 1000 copies 1000 times that increases the damage.
- Nemuri
A Genjutsu where ninja hold your hand on the shoulder of his opponent and puts it in a slumber. A useful technique in a spy mission, but utterly useless in combat.
- Nemurihane
A Genjutsu where ninja points to a mass of people and enter into a deep sleep. Illusory feathers appear to rain upon them, and then dormindos fall. Nemuri more useful than even so this technique is useless in combat.
- nikud Sensha An accompanying Baika Taijutsu no Jutsu (technique multitamaño). Once the ninja's body is completely transformed into a ball, the ninja hides his limbs and heads roll torque at tremendous speed toward the opponent.
- Ningyoushibai Koutetsu no A following the Soushouryu Ninjutsu (Twin Dragons). Thread is to control all weapons against rival previously released to make a second attack so unexpected by the other ninja.
- Ni no Hoshi Taijutsu A continuation of Ichi no Hoshi (First Star). At this stage of the art The second point comes into view, spreading out two thirds of the fan. It is then agitated, creating a wind gust of larger, more powerful able to bend any weapon.
Mikazuki no Mai" Dance of the Moon Descending
Appearance: Chapter 92
use it: Gekkou Hayate
Type: Ninjutsu, Style Sheet,
Taijutsu Description: A technique that uses swords, and that creates two replicas of the same, attacking in a sword dance, which confuses the enemy, being difficult to discern what is real.
"Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu
" Water Clone Appearance: Chapter 12 We Use: Momochi Zabuza, Hatake Kakashi Tipo: Ninjutsu Descripción: Crea un numero determinado de Clones hechos de agua. Cada clon tiene la capacidad de atacar por si solo, y es una décima parte de lo fuerte que sea el original, pero no puede alejarse demasiado de este. Un golpe directo, hace que el clon desaparezca, dejando una capa de agua en su lugar. » Mokudon Hijutsu Jukai Koudan » Crecimiento de Árboles Aparece: Capitulo 120 Lo Usan: Primer Hokage
Tipo: Ninjutsu, Elemento de Madera, Barrera de Sangre
Descripción: Técnica que usa el Chakra para controlar el crecimiento de plantas y árboles. Y crea grandes bosques en cuestion de segundos, se dice que gracias a esta technique the village of the leaf has escaped several problems on several occasions, and it is said that this technique helped build the town itself and surrounding areas.
»Mugen Sajin Daitoppa
" Great trimmers with Arena
Appearance: Chapter 132
use it: Gaara Type: Ninjutsu,
"nikud Sensha
" Meat Tank
Appearance: Chapter 55
use it: Clan Akimichi, Choji Akimichi
Type: Taijutsu, Blood Barrier Description: Used after Multi Size no Jutsu. And what makes the body is engendered, roll on itself at high speed, spending a lot of calories and causing some dizziness at the end of the art.
"Ninpou; Kumoshi Bari " Spiderweb Appearance: Chapter 138
use it: Kidoumaru
Ninjutsu Description: Creates a large spider web, which traps the enemy. The spider web is made by Chakra, and is extremely hard, and difficult to break and is very sticky.
»Naruto Ninpocho; Shihou Hapou Shuriken no Maki "Guidelines shuriken from all angles
Appearance: Chapter 134
We Use: Uzumaki Naruto
Type: Taijutsu
Description: Technique created by Naruto, and only used after the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. The clones throw shuriken from all directions, creating a devastating attack.
"Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu
" Fog Clone
Appearance: Chapter 63
use it: Ninjas of Rain
Type: Genjutsu
Description: This is a clone unable to attack, and disappear with a single blow .
OPERTUR Points: Chapter 79
use it: Neji Hyuga
Type: Taijutsu, Blood Line
Description: Just run by geniuses of the Hyuuga clan, which allows the Byakugan go beyond the rules and see the chakra points that are distributed throughout the body, then beat and keep the chakra flow smoothly throughout the body.
"Omote Renge
" Lotus
Initial Appearance: Chapter 52
We Use: Rock Lee, Maito Gai
Type: Taijutsu
Description: A Taijutsu technique that can only be done by opening the first door controls Over chakra. This is a fast and strong blow that puts the enemy in the air, using bandages immobilize the opponent, turning it and the last time of the crash, releasing it to be stamped with great force.
"Sabaku Kyuu
" Desert Coffin
Appearance: Chapter 59
use it: Gaara
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Part of the demonic sand techniques. Sandy used to meet the enemy, paralyzing him and making him stay where the user wants to put so nervous and suffocate.
'Sabaku Sousou
"Desert Cemetery
Appearance: Chapter 59
use it: Gaara
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Once the technique Sabaku Kyuu, the user, through the sand control, forces this to crush anything that has enveloped by very hard it is. Using this technique, the bodies are reduced to small particles.
"Senai Jashuu
" Monkey Snake
Appearance: Chapter 50
use it: Anko, Orochimaru
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: An invocation jutsu makes snakes out of the sleeves of the user, being able to attack these or give up their sleeves to take something that interests the user of technology.
"Senei Jyashu
" Snake Hands Free
Appearance: Chapter 123
We Use: Orochimaru
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: After running the Senai Jashuu, this technique releases the snakes of the sleeves and do attack the enemy and immobilize.
no Jutsu" Mental
Transfer Appearance: Chapter 42
use it: Ino Yamanka
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Allows the user to send his spirit into the mind of another person and control his body. The spiritual energy travels slowly, so before executing the technique have to be pretty sure of hitting the target, because if it fails it takes a while to get back to your own body. Any damage done on the opponent while the other's mind this one too it affects the user's body art. Used primarily as a technique of espionage.
"Fuuin Shisou
" Seal of the Four Images
Appearance: Chapter Display
not use it:
Fourth Hokage Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is the seal Kyubi locked inside the stomach of Naruto.
" 4 People
Barrier Appears: Chapter 115
use it: The Sound Four
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: A partnership of four ninjas, which create a impassable Barrea. It is used to isolate people or battles in a given area.
"Shishi Rendan
" Lion Combo
Appearance: Chapter 68
We Use: Uchiha Sasuke
Type: Taijutsu
Description: A series of powerful punches and kicks, given by the flanks of the opponent, ending with a big kick that Star of the enemy to the ground leaving KO. Created by Sasuke after Lee used the lotus Initial against him, and the Sharingan copies as running technique.
Appearance: Chapter 12
We Use: Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Clan
Type: Ninjutsu, Blood Barrier
Description: This is a technique that meets Eye chakra, which allows the user a lot of advantages. The first and most famous is the copy of techniques and record the movements of the opponent. The second is able to hypnotize the opponent, giving an advantage to the user. You can also suggest a move to the hypnotized mind. Third is easily able to distinguish deceptive techniques. The power of the Sharingan is determined by the number of blades in the eye with users.
"Shikon no Jutsu
" Reviving Dead
Appearance: Chapter 89
use it:
Kabuto Type: Ninjutsu
Description: A jutsu that causes the dead bodies can breathe for a few few minutes. During that time the user is able to control their bodies. This technique is used to cause confusion in the opponent and find a way to attack or escape during the confusion.
"Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
" Shadows Replica
Suriken Appearance: Chapter 117
We Use: Third Hokage
Type: Ninjutsu, Barrera
Blood Description: A technique that multiplies the thrown object, creating a lot of these, using exact replicas of the original, and each and every one of these cause damage.
"Tachi no
Sofuushasen" Triple Slash Technique
Appearance: Chapter 49 What
Use: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Clan
Type: Taijutsu
Description: Used while using the Sharingan. Fine threads used to tie a bunch of shuriken, kunai and various missiles, once immobilized surrounding the enemy. The pair used Sharingan to find the vital points of the opponent and throw the kunai or shuriken in the right place. Once frozen, it is time to use a more powerful jutsu.
Sousai no Jutsu" Snakes
Double Murder Appears: Chapter 50
use it: Anko, Orochimaru
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is one of the jutsus forgotten that uses snakes to kill instantly the user of the technique and the opponent. This is a suicide jutsu.
no Jutsu" Water Sphere
Appearance: Chapter 13
We Use: Momochi Zabuza
Type: Ninjutsu Element Water
Description: Creates a large sphere of water, which keeps the inside otherwise preventing move. It is very difficult to escape this kind of prison, but all are advantages in this Jutsu, because the user must remain in contact with the sphere, to the contrary can not escape.
Daibakufu no Jutsu» Water Explosion
Appearance: Chapter 15
We Use: Momochi Zabuza, Hatake Kakashi
Type: Ninjutsu,
Water Element Description: Sends a large spinning pillar of water on themselves against the adversary. This is a jutsu that can only run in a place where there is a considerable amount of water to do this, you need to use a large amount of chakra, but the result of this attack is devastating.
"Suiton Suijinheki
" Water Wall
Appearance: Chapter 120
use it:
Second Hokage Type: Ninjutsu Element Water
Description: Creates a ball of water in the mouth, and spear, usually to offset an element the same type, but the Fire Element.
Suiryuudan no Jutsu "Water Dragon
Appearance: Chapter 15
We Use: Momochi Zabuza, Hatake Kakashi,
2nd Hokage Type: Ninjutsu Element Water
Description: Creates a large dragon made a lot of water by turning on itself. The shape of the dragon is thrown at the opponent, a super powerful attack. This jutsu can only be done in a place where a lot of water.
"Suna Bunshin
" Sand Clone
Appearance: Chapter 111
use it: Gaara
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is an advanced clone jutsu, which is used sand to create the copy. It does not disappear when you hit directly is also able to attack, and move onto a surface with sand.
"Suna Shuriken
" Sand Shuriken
Appearance: Chapter 132
use it: Gaara
Type: Taijutsu
Description: Take the shurikens with sand, and throws the sand, causing them to catch more speed and power attacker.
"Suna no Tate
" Arena
Barrier Appears: Chapter 49
use it: Gaara
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a sand demon jutsu. A lot of sand around Gaara moves instantaneously protects, t without him able to control the movements of the same. The only drawback is that the sand is not able to move extremely fast, and finds it difficult to concentrate a large amount of sand to form a wall strong enough enemies very fast.
"Suna no Yoroi
Arena Armor Appearance: Chapter 82
use it: Gaara
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Gaara's secondary defense, which uses the sand as a light stick to the body armor and protecting it from an attack that gets through the first defense is the sand that moves voluntarily. It uses a large amount of chakra to keep this layer of sand stuck to the body. The only drawback is that this layer of sand makes the weight of the individual increase dramatically, and therefore slows down.
Technical Appearance: Episode 135
use it: Gaara
Type: Genjutsu
Description: Makes the user into a false state of sleep. It is used to allow the Shukaku to take over the body of Gaara.
" Iron Fist Fighting Style
Appearance: Chapter Not Shown
We Use: Rock Lee, Maito Gai, etc.
Type: Taijutsu
Description: A fighting style that aims to use a powerful blow dry to cause the enemy a significant external damage.
"Ura Renge
" Primary Lotus
Appearance: Chapter 85 We Use: Rock Lee, Maito Gai
Type: Taijutsu
Description: This is a forgotten jutsu, which is made to open three doors Chakra control. When you open the three doors gives users a much greater force to which he would otherwise. Technique is considered almost suicidal, since the muscles and bones of the body become unimaginable, and therefore can break. It goes further than any other technique that is used lotus, by a much faster rate and a longer rotation and revolution, make any enemy at a disadvantage against this attack. This jutsu yet may be more effective if more doors open chakra control, but it is quite dangerous for the user since the opening of more doors, get to break the user's muscles, and may cause a kind of paralysis.
"Uzumaki Naruto Bunshin, Bodii Gacha
'Strike of Uzumaki Naruto Clones
Appearance: Chapter 133
We Use: Uzumaki Naruto
Type: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu
Description: Using the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, it is a combination of the strikes against the opponent, where the clones to other clones used as support in the air to keep attacking the enemy. Naruto uses this technique on many occasions, and also combined with its own version of 1000 years of pain.
Naruto Uzumaki" Uzumaki Naruto Combo
Appearance: Chapter 77
We Use: Uzumaki Naruto
Type: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu
Description: This is a copy of Sasuke's Lion Combo. Made by four clones and followed by a combo of punches and kicks, followed by a blow to the head, which sends the enemy to the ground.
"Naruto Uzumaki Nyssa Rendan
" Uzumaki Naruto Combo, 2000
Appearance: Chapter 134
We Use: Uzumaki Naruto
Type: Taijutsu
Description: Very similar to Naruto Uzumaki combo, except that it uses a large number of clones, doing more damage. You can also result in the Yons Rendan, which is the same technique but with 4000 or more clones.
" Air Pressure Control
Appearance: Chapter 52
use it: Zaku Abumi
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a jutsu that can be made through an implant in the palms of the hands , which lets you control the air pressure, or create great pressure oned against someone or something using these implants as executors of the art.
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